Decision Session – Executive Member for Transport


21 June 2022

Report of the Director of Environment, Transport and Planning



Osbaldwick Lane Parking Petition




1.        To report the receipt of a petition requesting to review the arrangements for parking on Osbaldwick Lane from its junction with Tang Hall Lane to the Osbaldwick Parish boundary.




2.        The Executive Member is asked to approve:

that the Transport team will work with the communities’ team to undertake a review of the area and discuss options for a ward funded scheme with ward councillors.


This will provide an opportunity review the area and propose options that will tackle the concerns that the residents have raised concerns about.




3.        A petition was submitted in December 2021, which was incorrectly filed upon receipt, this matter was only discovered in April 2022 when the petition leader emailed the Executive Member for Transport to request an update on the petition.  There are 28 signatures on the petition and the petition front sheet is shown in Annex A.


4.        The petition requests the council to review the arrangements for parking on Osbaldwick Lane from its junction with Tang Hall Lane to the Osbaldwick Parish boundary (Annex B Location Plan) and come up with a solution that:


·        Allows pedestrians, wheelchair users and parents with pushchairs to use the footpaths without hindrance from parked vehicles;

·        Allows passengers to get on/off buses at marked bus stops;

·        Allows pedestrians to cross Osbaldwick Lane safely: and

·        Provides clearly marked areas for local residents to park their cars.





5.        A consultation was undertaken for proposed ‘No Waiting at any time’ restriction at the junction of Osbaldwick Lane Moore Avenue (Annex C), but that was prior to the initial submission of the petition.  The petitioner at the Executive Member decision session in March 2022 made the request to defer a decision on that proposal pending a review of the wider area, but due to safety concerns that were raised in relation to parking near the junction, the Executive Member decided to approve that request separately at the April Executive Member Decision session.





6.        Option 1 – Note the petition but take no further action.  This is not the recommended action because it does not address the residents’ concerns.


7.        Option 2 – request that the Transport team work with the communities’ team to undertake a review of the area and discuss options for a ward funded scheme with ward councillors.




8.        The ward team could look at a scheme to put bollards along the footpath edge to remove the ability of drivers to drive and park on the footpath, causing an obstruction for pedestrians, wheelchair users and parents with pushchairs.  The review would also be able to look at locations to introduce safe crossing points along the road, with consideration given for the current position of the Bus Stop to provide safe crossing points near the bus stop.


9.        The petition also requests marked areas for local residents to park their cars, the only option available to provide marked bays exclusively for residents would be through a Residents Parking Scheme but it is not considered that is an outcome that the residents are pursuing.  Marked parking bays could be considered within the review but they would be available for all to highway users.  There could also be significant costs and obstacles as a result of underground utilities.


10.     Parking restrictions during the daytime could be considered if the problem is related to school drop off and pick up but this could result in displacement parking in side roads or further along the road.



Council Plan


11.   The report is supportive of the following priorities in the Council Plan in addition to the One Planet York Principles, that the Council Champions.



·         good health and wellbeing

·         getting around sustainably

·         a better start for children and young people

·         a greener and cleaner city

·         safe communities and culture for all

·         an open and effective council





12.    The report has the following implications:




Human Resources (HR) – The report will have an impact on the ward community teams work load, as a resource will be required to review potential options.


Equalities The Council recognises its Public Sector Equality Duty under Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 (to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other prohibited conduct; advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it and foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it in the exercise of a public authority’s functions). The equalities matters are summarised below:


·        Age – the location is near a school, so does have an impact on children and parents accessing the school;

·        Disability – Neutral;

·        Gender – Neutral;

·        Gender reassignment – Neutral;

·        Marriage and civil partnership– Neutral;

·        Pregnancy and maternity – Neutral;

·        Race – Neutral;

·        Religion and belief – Neutral;

·        Sexual orientation – Neutral;

·        Other socio-economic groups, including:


o   Carer - Neutral (see Disability);

o   Low income groups – Neutral;

o   Veterans, Armed Forces Community– Neutral.




If it is decided to amend the Traffic Regulation Order, that proposal will require an amendments to the York Parking Stopping and Waiting Order 2014: Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 & the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (procedure) (England & Wales) Regulations 1996 apply. Further, if following the review communities’ team it is recommended to carry out any works pursuant to any ward funded scheme, said works will need to be commissioned in line with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules and (where applicable) the relevant law under the Public Contract Regulations 2015.


Crime and Disorder – No crime and disorder implications identified


Information Technology (IT) – No Information Technology implications identified.


Property – No Property implications identified


Other – No other implications identified



Risk Management There is an acceptable level of risk associated with the recommended option


Contact Details




Chief Officer Responsible for the report:


Darren Hobson

Traffic Management Team Leader


Tel: (01904) 551367


James Gilchrist

Assistant Director for Transport, Highways and Environment


Report Approved









Specialist Implications Officer(s)  List information for all


Financial:                                        Legal:

Name         Patrick Looker              Name     Dan Moynihan

Title            Head of Finance           Title        Senior Solicitor



Wards Affected:  Hull Road Ward & Osbaldwick & Derwent Ward







For further information please contact the author of the report



Background Papers:








Annex A – Petition Front Page


Annex B – Petition Area


Annex C – Osbaldwick Lane & Moore Avenue